
Digital Marketing Services

Together, we will create a Persuasive Digital Experience that will move your prospects from ‘interested’ to engaged, to lifelong customer

Practice Areas

GrowingTwice maintains or curates expertise in the following digital marketing disciplines.


Ensure websites, content, and links send signals of genuine relevance for our highest-converting keywords.

Web Analytics

Implement data collection systems. Measure and report KPIs that relate to business and campaign goals.

Social Media

Raise visibility and trust in social channels where our customers will be looking.

Email | Marketing Automation

Send timely, relevant, and wanted content to persuade prospects to become happy, lifelong customers.

Content Marketing

Get customers to tell us what headlines, content, and delivery systems will move them to buy what we're selling.

Advertising | PPC

Propagate persuasive ads in search, social, display, + other channels including remarketing, custom audiences, social engagement.

Mobile Marketing

Ensure mobile users are influenced by our content and campaigns.

Website Development

GrowingTwice will source a reputable website development resource that fits your budget.

Ecommerce | Conversion

Ensure landing pages and/or shopping cart funnels are tested and optimized.


Work Model

It’s hard to know who’s really good in the industry, who’s available, or who might be overkill for your project.

Picture GrowingTwice as your general contractor–with 15 years of working with the world’s leaders in digital marketing. Together, we’ll make sure the work gets done properly, with the right resources, and matched to your budget, in-house resources, and time frames.

Engage GrowingTwice


The GrowingTwice process guides validation and creation of a Persuasive Digital Experience that will move your prospects from ‘interested’ to engaged, to lifelong customer.

What is a Persuasive Digital Experience? A persuasive digital experience is the culmination of online touch points that influences those who are thinking about buying what you sell.

Your prospective customers build a perception of you through a unordered, but predictable collection of touch points. The majority are now digital and include some combination of:

  • Search
  • Social Media
  • Digital Ads
  • Website
  • Reviews
  • Conversion Funnel
  • Mobile Com.
  • Location media
  • Email
  • Chat
  • Support
  • Apps
  • Events
  • Education
  • Telephony
  • Broadcast

Two might be enough for a small business, and dozens for a large entity.  When each touch point is persuasive and consistent, it creates trust and moves the potential customer towards buying what you sell.


Persuasion Bank

Build headlines and topics your customers agree will engage and persuade


Channel Priority

Determine where customers are looking for what you have.


Campaign Mapping

Fill the queue with coordinated campaigns aligned to business goals


Test & Update

Monitor and optimize campaigns for performance

The GrowingTwice process also reveals the trigger scenarios where your prospects start to think about buying what you sell, where they look for answers,  and the phrases that move them towards doing business with you.

Together, we use these scenarios and phrases to fill your Persuasion Bank.  Items in your Persuasion Bank become the unified and coordinate messaging used in your key touch points, e.g., ads, articles, posts, brochures, website content, emails, chat, SMS, and more.

This method cuts the all-too-common inefficient methods of creating new and disjointed content for each channel. It reduces the work and costs of advertising by creating a consistent, persuasive digital experience  that generates the most business for you.


Michael at GrowingTwice affirmed what we were doing right in our email campaigns, then gave our team a clear path to higher conversion and compliance. It’s rare to find digital marketing depth, technical know-how, and seasoned business experience in one agency. GrowingTwice shares all three. –Jamie Opalchuk, CEO, HostPapa, Small Business Web Hosting

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